that's me...

that's me...
...just to give you a first impression of what I look like. I'll add some more pictures soon.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

op ewig ungedelt...

Simple expressions like that can cause serious trouble. That's what I found out in our history lessons on Monday and Friday. History is not my favourite subject and although I can't speek for my classmates I think we all started with a bit of scepticism into that course. But our teacher Jørn Buch was commited and highly motivated which was - especially on Friday morning - essential to keep us at it. In the course of time the lessons developed a certain self-dynamics and the more we were told about Danish history the more interested I got. Maybe it's needless to say that I especially enjoined the episode about the German-Danish borderline history and the stories behind it but for the first time I really immerged into my homeland history that deep. After talking about Danish history in general Jørn was very ambitious to give us a detailed insight into the vivid history of this region. One of his main points was the problem of harmonising national identities with historical borderlines. This challenge often causes serious problems ending up in war and hate all over the world (e.g. Israel, Kosovo,...). The history of borderlines between Germnay and Denmark has also been versatile during the last centuries.
Jørn's second interest was to show how history can be used to avoid conflicts and to prevent people to slip up like their ancestors. For me - born and grown up in a peaceful region - it was important to learn that even in my homeland Schleswig-Holstein times were not always like these.

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