S tronger than our parents
T ogether as one
E ager to learn
R eady to make a new start
E verything is possible
O vercome boundaries
T ravel the world
Y ou have the choice
P roduce new ideas
E nrich the world
S tay true to yourself
Samuel Ame was new in town. He didn’t know anybody and sometimes he wanted to be somewhere else. He had travelled the world and seen many ifferent places and many ifferent faces. He was used to be new somewhere, but in this town it felt ifferent. He felt like a stranger and he didn’t like it.
David Ifference had lived in the ame town since the day of his birth. He had never left his town and he had never seen something else than the ame old places and the ame old faces.
S. Ame answered: “You’re right about the road. And I will change my name if you change your name, too, what about David Iverse?”
I'm absolutely aware of the fact that the world will not change within days but I like to believe in the possibility that human beings are able to live together in peace and with respect for each other on the one hand but also openness and curiosity on the other hand. For me growing together in Europe does not mean to forget about national culture or to deny national history because these things belong to us and make us special. It rather means to accept and understand other cultures and values that may seem strange to us at first glance but sometimes are not that different from our own if we sacrifice some time to get to know them.